[Part 1] Unlock Your Potential with a Life Plan

Woman in Meadow
]1 Copyright: maridav / 123RF Stock Photo
Do you ever find yourself coming to a point in life and asking yourself “What now?” Many things (good and bad) can prompt that question. Doors to opportunities open and close. We finish schooling and professional development.  We enjoy progress and success. Or we face challenges and setbacks. Personal and family difficulties arise. A life plan with goals and objectives can turn these “what now” moments into Continue reading “[Part 1] Unlock Your Potential with a Life Plan”

How to Start Working for Yourself Right Now

Food Service Worker
]1 Copyright: lisafx / 123RF Stock Photo
For a really long time, I felt frustrated that I had to spend my waking hours working for someone else, helping them achieve their dreams and goals while my own sat by the wayside waiting for me to get around to them. Continue reading “How to Start Working for Yourself Right Now”

How Much Time Did You Spend Planning Your Last Vacation?

Copyright: sidelnikov / 123RF Stock Photo
Copyright: sidelnikov / 123RF Stock Photo
Can you think of the last time you went on a vacation?  Maybe it was with your family or a group of friends.  Perhaps it was to an amusement park or a camping trip.  When you left, you wanted to have a good time and arrive safely to and from your destination.  Before leaving you had a map of how to get there and a plan of what you needed to take, how much money you needed, and what you were going to do.

How much time do you take getting ready for a vacation?  Most people are planning for months ahead of time.

Now, think about how much time you are taking to plan for life? Continue reading “How Much Time Did You Spend Planning Your Last Vacation?”

Shaking up the Stagnant

Copyright: kavram / 123RF Stock Photo
Copyright: kavram / 123RF Stock Photo
As you are entering the adulthood portion of your life, you probably have hopes and dreams.  You have an idea of what you want life to be like when you are 25, 35, 45, and onward.  Perhaps there are milestones you hope to reach. Maybe you have observed things in your parents’ lives that you hope to improve in your own.   Continue reading “Shaking up the Stagnant”