Conquer Envy and Focus on Your Goals

Green Envy Sign: Don't Stay Too Long
]1 Copyright: 72soul / 123RF Stock Photo
I’m surprised that I’m actually going to write about this topic today. It’s something I’m very sensitive about. I’ve wasted alot of time, and it’s held me back. ALOT. Maybe some of you can relate.

These Days, We See Everything (or So We Think)

Perhaps the visibility of the internet makes it easier than ever to see other people’s accomplishments. We know the instant that someone has a new boyfriend/girlfriend. We know when they take a trip to an exotic location. We know when they’re pregnant or when they’ve bought a new house or when they’ve been accepted to the school of their dreams. The list goes on and on.

All of this information gives us opportunities to celebrate and congratulate others on their successes. But it can also leave us wishing we had accomplished such-and-such a thing, and envy starts to set in. Continue reading “Conquer Envy and Focus on Your Goals”