How Much Time Did You Spend Planning Your Last Vacation?

Copyright: sidelnikov / 123RF Stock Photo
Copyright: sidelnikov / 123RF Stock Photo
Can you think of the last time you went on a vacation?  Maybe it was with your family or a group of friends.  Perhaps it was to an amusement park or a camping trip.  When you left, you wanted to have a good time and arrive safely to and from your destination.  Before leaving you had a map of how to get there and a plan of what you needed to take, how much money you needed, and what you were going to do.

How much time do you take getting ready for a vacation?  Most people are planning for months ahead of time.

Now, think about how much time you are taking to plan for life?

Do you have dreams? Do you have aspirations?  What are they?

In my last post, I talked about a bad accident I had a few years ago and how hard it was to work my way back to functioning normally.  One of the best tools I had was my Life Vision, a list of what I wanted my life to look like.  It gave me strength and hope to keep pushing on and getting better.

I had some perspective from my near fatal accident that helped me adjust my list and focus on what was really important to me. Since then, that list has helped me make decisions, spend my time better, and adjust my definitions of success and happiness.

If you made a list today of what you wanted life to look like, what be on your list?  Take a few minutes over the next few days to jot down some thoughts about what is important to you.  Some areas of your life to consider are:

  1. Personal Development (education, reading, etc)
  2. Relationships (family, friends, etc)
  3. Spiritual
  4. Hobbies/interests
  5. Financial

If you do this exercise, don’t rush it.  You’re thinking and dreaming about your future.  When you first write it down, you will be making lots of adjustments.  You’ll get clarity and direction to help you make better decisions about what’s important to you.

Once you complete your initial list, be aware that it is a working document.  Your interests and priorities will change.  If you marry or have children your perspective will change.  Changes to your list should be made carefully, but they should be made as you see fit.

Let me know in the comments below if you made a list, and if you had any interesting insights during the process.

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