Fear Almost Kept Me from Making the Best Decision EVER!

My Beautiful Wife on Our Wedding Day
My Beautiful Wife on Our Wedding Day – Photo by Alissa Ricks

Have you ever had a fear so strong that it kept you from doing anything? As a result you go to extraordinary measures to make sure the fear doesn’t come true. You keep running away from it, but it’s always in the back of your mind. Continue reading “Fear Almost Kept Me from Making the Best Decision EVER!”

Improve Your Resilience through Gratitude

Copyright: icetray / 123RF Stock Photo
]1 Copyright: icetray / 123RF Stock Photo
It should be expected that as we set goals and work towards them that we will encounter obstacles. This is especially true of big, exciting goals. We can take a few steps towards them, and then take a few steps back. Our goals take longer to accomplish than we expected, or we might even find that we need to adjust our goals based on new information.

I have found this to be true in almost every goal I have set. The way I envision accomplishing a goal at the outset ends up being different than how it really pans out. A couple months ago I talked about dealing with disappointment. I realized I forgot something that has been huge for me: gratitude. In a way, I’m glad I forgot to mention it, because this concept is worthy of it’s own post. Continue reading “Improve Your Resilience through Gratitude”

[Part 5] Do You Have Any Personal Challenges to Overcome?

Copyright: tomertu / 123RF Stock Photo
]1 Copyright: tomertu / 123RF Stock Photo
We’ve gone over alot in the last few weeks with this series about creating a life plan and working towards your goals. This week we’ll review the final question:

  1. What skills do you have to start with?
  2. What skills do you need to develop?
  3. How are you going to get the experience you need?
  4. Do you have any personal challenges to overcome?

This is kind of a “duh” question; however do we really take the time to evaluate ourselves? It was very important for me to answer this question. We cannot advance towards our goals until we know what our obstacles are. In my experience the hardest obstacles to overcome are the ones in my own head. For a long time (too long) I kept coming up with reasons I couldn’t change how my life was going. When I began to evaluate my personal challenges, I was able to make conscious decisions to conquer them.

After taking time to list my personal challenges, I began to start making rapid progress towards what I really wanted. Everyone will have their own list of challenges. Here are some of mine: Continue reading “[Part 5] Do You Have Any Personal Challenges to Overcome?”

[Part 1] Unlock Your Potential with a Life Plan

Woman in Meadow
]1 Copyright: maridav / 123RF Stock Photo
Do you ever find yourself coming to a point in life and asking yourself “What now?” Many things (good and bad) can prompt that question. Doors to opportunities open and close. We finish schooling and professional development.  We enjoy progress and success. Or we face challenges and setbacks. Personal and family difficulties arise. A life plan with goals and objectives can turn these “what now” moments into Continue reading “[Part 1] Unlock Your Potential with a Life Plan”

Conquer Envy and Focus on Your Goals

Green Envy Sign: Don't Stay Too Long
]1 Copyright: 72soul / 123RF Stock Photo
I’m surprised that I’m actually going to write about this topic today. It’s something I’m very sensitive about. I’ve wasted alot of time, and it’s held me back. ALOT. Maybe some of you can relate.

These Days, We See Everything (or So We Think)

Perhaps the visibility of the internet makes it easier than ever to see other people’s accomplishments. We know the instant that someone has a new boyfriend/girlfriend. We know when they take a trip to an exotic location. We know when they’re pregnant or when they’ve bought a new house or when they’ve been accepted to the school of their dreams. The list goes on and on.

All of this information gives us opportunities to celebrate and congratulate others on their successes. But it can also leave us wishing we had accomplished such-and-such a thing, and envy starts to set in. Continue reading “Conquer Envy and Focus on Your Goals”