[Part 4] How Are You Going to Get the Experience You Need?

Businessman climbing a ladder of books
]1 Copyright: bowie15 / 123RF Stock Photo

This week I wanted to answer question 3 about how to break down your life plan:

  1. What skills do you have to start with?
  2. What skills do you need to develop?
  3. How are you going to get the experience you need?
  4. Do you have any personal challenges to overcome?

The the items one and two on my list should give you some ideas of what career opportunities interest you and what you’d be good at. Now it’s time to try them out and get some experience. How are you going to do that? Here are some of my ideas: Continue reading “[Part 4] How Are You Going to Get the Experience You Need?”

How to Start Working for Yourself Right Now

Food Service Worker
]1 Copyright: lisafx / 123RF Stock Photo
For a really long time, I felt frustrated that I had to spend my waking hours working for someone else, helping them achieve their dreams and goals while my own sat by the wayside waiting for me to get around to them. Continue reading “How to Start Working for Yourself Right Now”