
Do What Matters

Are you new to setting goals?  I am.  It’s only been about a 1 1/2 years since I’ve been making them.  This book was the one that got me started.  Pages 31-43 are worth the whole book.  Be aware that it’s a business book, but it’s had a HUGE impact on me personally.  You can check out the audio for the section on goal setting here (it goes from 2:14-11:35)

Winning with Money

Do you get overwhelmed by all of the personal finance books out there? Are you worried that you won’t make wise decisions with your money that will affect your life down the road? Dave Ramsey explains his path to financial security and success in 7 simple baby steps. My wife and I are following his steps. If you’re curious, we’re on step 3b.

This book falls in between personal finance and business, but it has shaped how I think about spending money.  It addresses the questions of what is really an investment, and what is really a liability.

 Working Effectively

Do you struggle keeping up with your todo list? Does if feel like you’re always stressing about what you need to do? Are you afraid that you forgot something? If so, you need to read this book. It was a lifesaver after my accident, and I still use many of the principles from it to stay on top of things.


If you are married or getting married or getting married soon, I highly recommend this book. I’ve only been married 1 1/2 years, but I can tell you marriage is tricky. You will have conflicts, and you need to know how to use them to build your relationship instead of tearing it down. This book has given my wife and I some great tips for helping us do that.


If you want to accelerate your way through your life plan, you’re going to need people skills. This is the textbook for them. I have the audio book version of this, and I listen to it at least once a year.



This is another book that I listen to a few times a year.  It’s a quick read about how we perceive and work with others.  Although it’s told from a business standpoint, it’s greatly affected my personal relationships as well.



The Dave Ramsey Show

If you’re getting your financial feet under you, you need to listen to this podcast. It will give you encouragement to keep moving forward and improve your situation.

This Is Your Life with Michael Hyatt

Michael Hyatt is a professional blogger and addresses several parts of personal development. He is BIG on goals and life planning. I highly recommend listening to an episode or two.